“Electric M&M” is an oil on canvas painting which was created for my friend Matt Logelin and the Liz Logelin Foundation (http://thelizlogelinfoundation.org/) – a non-profit organization established to financially assist widows and widowers with young families. Ten paper prints, two stretched canvas prints along with the original were auctioned off at the Liz Logelin Foundation Gala on Sunday, September 20th 2010 in Minneapolis, MN.
The robot is based on an actual fortune telling robot he purchased when he was working in India, but here the robot could also be considered to embody Matt. On the bot’s shoulder sits a bot version of Matt’s daughter Maddy. She holds a lit Star Gazer Lilly which was the LLF’s logo and was also Matt’s wife’s favorite flower. The stars in the sky are also lilies, and just below are a flock of seven origami birds, symbolizing good luck. Liz’s name can be seen in the lights on one of the buildings in the background.
Open doors on the building rooftops symbolize opportunity: the mystery and surprises of things to come, whether or not they’re good or bad. The city is nondescript and could be anywhere.
The clothes and clothes lines along the bottom are that sort of indicator of parenthood. Not everyone uses a clothes line, of course, but once you become a parent it’s like there’s an explosion of laundry! I’ve always liked the sense of movement from clothes blowing in the wind, and especially the visual look of clothes lines in an urban setting. I don’t know what it is about it, but I like it. Maybe it’s the idea of these isolated buildings suddenly becoming connected, looking more like a community? Orrrr maybe I just like painting sheets in the wind.
Too many paint fumes… moving on…